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Dumb and Dumber To (2014)

( Dumb and Dumber ) To is an upcoming comedy film co-written and directed by Bobby Farrelly and Peter Farrelly. It is a sequel to the 1994 film Dumb and Dumber. The film stars Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Laurie Holden and Kathleen Turner. The film is scheduled to be released on November 14, 2014.

The sequel to the 1994 comedy classic reunites Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels as foolish friends Lloyd and Harry embarking on a road trip to find Harry's long-lost daughter. Dumb and Dumber To also stars Rob Riggle, Rachel Melvin, Laurie Holden, Steve Tom and Kathleen Turner.
The sequel to the 1994 comedy reunites Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels as the dimwitted duo Lloyd and Harry. Lloyd and Harry are returning to the big screen in Dumb and Dumber To on Nov. 14, 2014, Universal Pictures announced Monday. 20 years after the dimwits set out on their first adventure, they head out in search of one of their long lost children in the hope of gaining a new kidney. Directors: Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly Writers: Sean Anders, Mike Cerrone, Stars: Jim Carrey, Laurie Holden, Angela Kerecz |  Dumb and Dumber To
(2014) on IMDb

Conan The Barbarian (2011)

Život moćnog ratnika Conan-a je obeležen nasiljem, a kada vidi kako su njegovi saplemenici i otac svirepo i ubijeni, on kreće u osvetu, čak i ako to znači da je i njegov život žrtva toga. Potraga koja počinje kao lična osveta žestokog Cimmerian-skog ratnika ubrzo se pretvara u epsku borbu protiv zla…

A quest that begins as a personal vendetta for the fierce Cimmerian warrior soon turns into an epic battle against hulking rivals, horrific monsters, and impossible odds, as Conan realizes he is the only hope of saving the great nations of Hyboria from an encroaching reign of supernatural evil.
Conan The Barbarian (2011) Full Movies
A vengeful barbarian warrior sets off to get his revenge on the evil warlord who attacked his village and murdered his father when he was a boy. Director: Marcus Nispel Writers: Thomas Dean Donnelly, Joshua Oppenheimer, Stars: Jason Momoa, Ron Perlman, Rose McGowan |  Conan the Barbarian
(2011) on IMDb

Duel at Diablo (1966)

Ceta vojnika krece u drugo utvrdjenje kako bi im dostavili municiju i nove ljude , dolazi do sukoba sa indijancima i ceta se krije u slepom kanjonu cekajuci pojacanje …

Lieutenant McAllister is ordered to transport several ammunition wagons to another fort through Apache territory with only a small troop of rookie soldiers to guard them. Along for the ride is ex-scout Jess Remsberg who is trying to track down Ellen Grange, who, having recently been freed from Apache captivity, has mysteriously run off again to rejoin them.
Duel at Diablo (1966) Full Movies
Lieutenant McAllister is ordered to transport several ammunition wagons to another fort through Apache territory with only a small troop of rookie soldiers to guard them. Along for the ride... Director: Ralph Nelson Writers: Marvin H. Albert, Michael M. Grilikhes, Stars: James Garner, Sidney Poitier, Bibi Andersson |  Duel at Diablo
(1966) on IMDb

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)

Prvi službeni tajanstveni trailer za nastavak hita iz 2011. godine konačno nam je dostupan i to na hrvatskom jeziku.'Planet majmuna: Revolucija' – stigao prvi trailer!Prije 2 dana imali smo prilike vidjeti tajanstveni teaser trailer za Planet majmuna: Revolucija (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes), a je li se isplatilo čekati...
Skupina ljudi koja je preživjela katastrofalni virus prije deset godina sada je prijetnja genetski modificiranim majmunima koje predvodi Cezar. Postignuti mir neće se dugo održati. Ove dvije vrste nalaze se na rubu rata koji će odrediti dominantnu vrstu na planeti Zemlji. U kinima ljeto 2014.
A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier. They reach a fragile peace, but it proves short-lived, as both sides are brought to the brink of a war that will determine who will emerge as Earth's dominant species. Director: Matt Reeves Writers: Mark Bomback, Pierre Boulle Stars: Gary Oldman, Keri Russell, Andy Serkis,  Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
(2014) on IMDb

The Nut Job (2014)

The Nut Job is an upcoming 2014 Canadian 3D computer animated comedy film directed by Peter Lepeniotis. It is written by Lorne Cameron and Peter Lepeniotis, starring Will Arnett, Brendan Fraser, Gabriel Iglesias, Liam Neeson and Katherine Heigl. The film is based on the 2005 short animated film Surly Squirrel by Lepeniotis.It will be released on January 17, 2014 by Open Road Films.

In animated 3D, THE NUT JOB is an action-packed comedy in fictional Oakton that follows the travails of Surly (voiced by Will Arnett), a mischievous squirrel, and his rat friend Buddy, who plan a nut store heist of outrageous proportions and unwittingly find themselves embroiled in a much more complicated and hilarious adventure.

Surly, a curmudgeon, independent squirrel is banished from his park and forced to survive in the city. Lucky for him, he stumbles on the one thing that may be able to save his life, and the rest of park community, as they gear up for winter - Maury's Nut Store. Director: Peter Lepeniotis Writers: Lorne Cameron, Peter Lepeniotis, Stars: Will Arnett, Katherine Heigl, Brendan Fraser |  The Nut Job
(2014) on IMDb

Freezer (2013)

Film prati događaje u životu posve običnog čovjeka pod imenom Robert koji biva suočen s izvanrednim okolnostima. On se naime budi u zaključanom zamrzivaču mesa gdje su ga smjestili ruskih kriminalaca koji vjeruju da im Robert duguje 8 milijuna$. Robert uskoro otkriva da nije sam u zamrzivaču, te da je s njim unutra zaključan i Sam kojeg on nikada prije nije vidio.

Cijela situacija ubrzo postaje borba za opstanak protiv prehlade i ostalih sila koje su protiv njih. U glavnoj ulozi je Dylan McDermott kojega publika u novije vrijeme vjerojatno pamti po nastupu u prve dvije sezone TV serije “American Horror Story”, a društvo mu prave Peter Facinelli, Yuliya Snigir (igrala je gl. žensku ulogu u filmu A Good Day to Die Hard), Pascal Petardi, Andrey Ivchenko, te Milan Malisic. Freezer kreće u limitiranu kino distribuciju 17. siječnja 2014., a ubrzo nakon toga, 21. siječna 2014. film izlazi i na DVD-u, Blu Ray-u, te na VOD platformama.

Robert is an ordinary man who is faced with extraordinary circumstances. He is locked in a meat freezer by Russian thugs who believe that he owes them 8 million dollars. Robert, who is in every frame of the film soon discovers that he is not alone in the freezer. Sam, a stranger, is also locked in with him, and it becomes a struggle to survive the cold and the forces that are against them. Director: Mikael Salomon Writers: Tom Doganoglu, Shane Weisfeld Stars: Peter Facinelli, Dylan McDermott, Yuliya Snigir |  Freezer
(2013) on IMDb

Eyjafjallajökull (2013)

Zagorjela ljubav: Eyjafjallojökull, 2013., Francuska, 92 min. Erupcija islandskog vulkana prisili bivši bračni par na zajedničko putovanje Drugi film francuskog redatelja Alexandra Coffreja prati Valérie i Alaina, dvoje razvedenih koji se ne mogu smisliti, tijekom zajedničkog putovanja na vjenčanje njihove kćeri.

Razvedeni par na putu je za Grčku. Oni mrze jedno drugog, ali sreća njihove kćeri im je na prvom mjestu, a ona ovog vikenda ima svoje grčko vjenčanje iz snova. Nakon erupcije islandskog vulkana Eyjafjallojökull, svi avioni su prizemljeni i na put za Grčku valja krenuti – cestom. Bit će to prava pustolovina.

Eyjafjallajökull consists of a volcano completely covered by an ice cap. The ice cap covers an area of about 100 square kilometres (39 sq mi), feeding many outlet glaciers. The main outlet glaciers are to the north; Gígjökull, flowing into Lónið, and Steinholtsjökull, flowing into Steinholtslón. The glacier is the 4th largest in Iceland.In 1967 there was a massive landslide on the Steinholtsjökull glacial tongue. Director: Alexandre Coffre Writers: Laurent Zeitoun, Yoann Gromb Stars: Valérie Bonneton, Dany Boon, Denis Ménochet |  Eyjafjallajökull
(2013) on IMDb

Chihuahua 3 (2012)

Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva la Fiesta! is a 2012 Disney direct-to-DVD sequel to the family comedy film Beverly Hills Chihuahua, following Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2. Directed by Lev L. Spiro, and starring George Lopez, Odette Annable and Logan Grove, the film focuses on Papi, Chloe and the puppies moving to a hotel. Pedro finds love when he falls head over heels for Charlotte...

When Papi & Chloe move into a luxurious hotel, their youngest pup, Rosa feels neglected and he must show her how special she is by throwing her a quince. Papi soon finds out what Oscar, a dog teacher, and Jenny, a woman who runs the "Doggy Day Care" centre is up to.

Papi and Chloe, joined by their five playful pups and their owners Rachel and Sam move into the posh Langham Hotel, complete with a luxurious doggy spa. But there's trouble when Rosa, the littlest member of the pack, feels smaller and less special than ever. Now it's up to Papi to help Rosa find and celebrate her inner strength, which turns out to be bigger than she ever dreamed...
The film was released by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment on September 18, 2012 in a two-disc Blu-ray/DVD combo pack.Zachary Gordon and Chantily Spalan did not reprise their roles as Papi, Jr. and Rosa. Director: Lev L. Spiro Writers: Dana Starfield, Jeffrey Bushell Stars: Marcus Coloma, Erin Cahill, Cedric Yarbrough |  Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva La Fiesta!
(2012) on IMDb

Divna Stvorenja (2013)

Beautiful Creatures (2013): Ethan Wate, zvijezda školskog košarkaškog tima, jedva čeka da završi srednju školu i napusti južnjački gradić u kojem je odrastao. Život mu je postao težak otkako mu je umrla majka a otac se povukao u svoju radnu sobu i posvetio pisanju knjiga. Tada u njegov život ulazi Lena Duchannes – neobična djevojka koja koja mu se prije toga neko vrijeme pojavljivala u snovima, ili bolje reći u noćnim morama. Ona pripada obitelji časnika, čiji su članovi oduvijek posjedovali natprirodne moći.

Teenager Ethan Wate is obsessed with his urge to finish high school and go on to college in order to leave behind the small town of Gatlin, South Carolina behind, until a mysterious girl begins to inhabit his dreams. When he meets Lena Duchannes, a newcomer who has just enrolled in his school, Ethan knows she is the girl in his dreams. Lena is rejected by the rest of her classmates for being the granddaughter of Macon Ravenwood, whom the town's superstitious residents consider to be a devil-worshiper.

But Ethan gives her a ride anyway and they fall in love. Lena reveals to her new boyfriend that she is a witch, and that on her sixteenth birthday she will be claimed by either the forces of light or of darkness. She will remain in the light, but only if she does not remain in love with Ethan. To make matters worse, her evil mother, Sarafine, is casting spells to push Lena to the dark side. Ethan joins her in a search to find a magic spell to save their doomed love. Will the lovers ... Director: Richard LaGravenese Writers: Richard LaGravenese, Kami Garcia "Beautiful Creatures" Stars: Alice Englert, Viola Davis, Emma Thompson |  Beautiful Creatures
(2013) on IMDb

Iron Sky (2012)

SS oficir Hans Kammler ostvario je značajan napredak u polju anti-gravitacije. Iz tajne baze na Antartici poslana je prva ekipa koja će osnovati vojnu bazu Schwarze Sonne (Crno Sunce) na tamnoj strani Mjeseca. Zadatak ove ekipe je napraviti flotu koja će izvršiti invaziju na Zemlju. Sad je godina 2012 i Nacisti kreću u osvajanje a Zemljanima se bliži kraj..

In the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space program evaded destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon. During 70 years of utter secrecy, the Nazis construct a gigantic space fortress with a massive armada of flying saucers. When American astronaut James Washington (Christopher Kirby) puts down his Lunar Lander a bit too close to the secret Nazi base, the Moon Führer (Udo Kier) decides the glorious moment of retaking the Earth has arrived sooner than expected.

Two Nazi officers, ruthless Klaus Adler (Götz Otto) and idealistic Renate Richter (Julia Dietze), travel to Earth to prepare the invasion. In the end when the Moon Nazi UFO armada darkens the skies, ready to strike at the unprepared Earth, every man, woman and nation alike, must re-evaluate their priorities. Director: Timo Vuorensola Writers: Johanna Sinisalo, Jarmo Puskala Stars: Julia Dietze, Christopher Kirby, Götz Otto |  Iron Sky
(2012) on IMDb

Sljasteci Cirkoni (2013)

The Bling Ring (2013) Film zasnovan na istinitim događajima, govori o grupi tinejdžerki opsednutih slavom i "selebritijima", i "originalnom" načinu da dođu do džeparca - naime, oni koriste internet da bi pratili svoje idole i kad nisu tu, upadali im u kuće i pljačkali!

Bling ring je naziv za kit Swarovski cirkona za mobilne telefone koji mogu da se lepe i prave razne šare od njih, pa onda telefon "fensi" šljašti... Bling Ring The Bling Ring , 2013., SAD, 87 min. Oscarom nagrađena Sofia Coppola vodi nas u svijet ovih mladih ljudi, čija je naivnost i uzbuđenje dodatno pojačana naglaskom koji svijet i mediji stavljaju na poznate osobe i opsesiju luksuznim brendovima. Filmski Posteri Link Ovde

THE BLING RING, Oscar Winning filmmaker Sofia Coppola takes us inside the world of these teens, where their youthful naivete and excitement is amplified by today's culture of celebrity and luxury brand obsession. The members of the Bling Ring introduce us to temptations that any teenager would find hard to resist. Director: Sofia Coppola Writers: Sofia Coppola, Nancy Jo Sales (based on the Vanity Fair article "The Suspect Wore Louboutins" by) Stars: Katie Chang, Israel Broussard, Emma Watson |  The Bling Ring
(2013) on IMDb

Earth to Echo (2014)

U kinima od aprila 2014 god. Žanr: Avantura / SF Reditelj: Dave Green Uloge: Teo Halm, Astro, Reese Hartwig... Radnja filma: Grupa prijatelja istražuje niz bizarnih poruka koje primaju. Otkrivaju da biće sa drugog planeta traži pomoć od njih...

After a construction project begins digging in their neighborhood, best friends Tuck, Munch and Alex inexplicably begin to receive strange, encoded messages on their cell phones. Convinced something bigger is going on, they go to their parents and the authorities. When everyone around them refuses to take the messages seriously,
The three embark on a secret adventure to crack the code and follow it to its source. But taking matters into their own hands gets the trio in way over their heads when they discover a mysterious being from another world who desperately needs their help. The epic, suspenseful and exciting journey that follows will change all of their lives forever.
A group of friends investigate a series of bizarre text messages they receive after a construction project begins in their neighborhood. Director: Dave Green Writers: Henry Gayden, Andrew Panay Stars: Teo Halm, Astro, Reese Hartwig |  Earth to Echo
(2014) on IMDb

The East (2013) Full Movie

Uspešna operativka iz elitne privatne detektivske firme dobija zadatak da se infiltrira u anarhističku grupu koja se smatra odgovornom za napade na velike korporacije… Međutim, njeni prioriteti se menjaju kada se sprijateljuje sa nekim pripadnicima te organizacije. A, usput se i zaljubi u njenog harizmatičnog vođu… The East (2013)

THE EAST, a suspenseful and provocative espionage thriller from acclaimed writer-director Zal Batmanglij and writer-actress Brit Marling, stars Marling as former FBI agent Sarah Moss. Moss is starting a new career at Hiller Brood, an elite private intelligence firm that ruthlessly protects the interests of its A-list corporate.

Handpicked for a plum assignment by the company's head honcho, Sharon (Patricia Clarkson), Sarah goes deep undercover to infiltrate The East, an elusive anarchist collective seeking revenge against major corporations guilty of covering up criminal activity. Determined, highly-trained and resourceful, Sarah soon ingratiates herself with the group, overcoming their initial suspicions and joining them on their next action or... Director: Zal Batmanglij Writers: Zal Batmanglij, Brit Marling Stars: Brit Marling, Alexander Skarsgård, Ellen Page |  The East
(2013) on IMDb

Sudar Titana (2012) Full Movies

Deset godina nakon herojske pobede nad čudovištem Krakenom, Persej polubožanski sin Zevsov, pokušava da živi mirnim životom ribara sa svojim 10-godišnjim sinom Heliusom. U međuvremenu, besni bitka za prevlast između bogova i titana. Bogovi, znatno oslabljeni nedostatkom vere ljudi u njih, gube kontrolu nad titanima i oslоbađaju se sa svojim vođom Kronosom, Sudar titana (Clash of the Titans)

Ocem vladajuće braće bogova, Zevsa, Hada i Posejdona, koji su ga svrgli i ostavili da trune u dubinama ispod Tartarusa, u tamnici pećinskog podzemlja… Persej ne može da ne krene u borbu kada se Had zajedno sa Zevsovim božanskim sinom Aresom prikloni Kronosu i zarobi Zevsa…
Wrath Of The Titans (2012) FULL MOVIES
A decade after his heroic defeat of the monstrous Kraken, Perseus-the demigod son of Zeus-is attempting to live a quieter life as a village fisherman and the sole parent to his 10-year old son, Helius. Meanwhile, a struggle for supremacy rages between the gods and the Titans. Dangerously weakened by humanity's lack of devotion, the gods are losing control of the imprisoned Titans and their ferocious leader, Kronos,

Father of the long-ruling brothers Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. Perseus cannot ignore his true calling when Hades, along with Zeus' godly son, Ares (Edgar Ramírez), switch loyalty and make a deal with Kronos to capture Zeus. The Titans' strength grows stronger as Zeus' remaining godly powers are siphoned... Director: Jonathan Liebesman Writers: Dan Mazeau, David Johnson Stars: Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, Rosamund Pike |  Wrath of the Titans
(2012) on IMDb

The Numbers Station (2013)

The Numbers Station is a 2013 British-American action thriller film, starring John Cusack and Malin Åkerman, about a burned-out CIA black ops agent assigned to protect the code operator at a secret American numbers station somewhere in the British countryside.The film was directed by Danish director Kasper Barfoed (four episodes of Those Who Kill, The Candidate, The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar...

After his latest mission goes disastrously wrong, veteran CIA black ops agent Emerson Kent (John Cusack, 2012) is given one last chance to prove he still has what it takes to do his job. His new assignment: guarding Katherine (Malin Akerman, Watchmen), a code operator at a top-secret remote CIA "Numbers Station" where encrypted messages are sent and received.

When an elite team of heavily armed assailants lays siege to the station, Emerson and Katherine suddenly find themselves in a life-or-death struggle against an unknown enemy. With the station compromised and innocent lives at stake, they must stop the deadly plot before it's too late. Director: Kasper Barfoed Writer: F. Scott Frazier Stars: John Cusack, Malin Akerman, Liam Cunningham |  The Numbers Station
(2013) on IMDb

Hours (2013) Full Movie

Otac se bori da očuva živom svoju ćerku tokom uragana Katrina... Jer, tog 29. avgusta 2005. godine, Nolan Hejs stigao je u porodilište sa svojom trudnom ženom. Ono što je trebalo da bude najsrećniji dan u njegovom životu ubrzo će krenuti veoma lošim tokom...

Zbog uragana naređena je evakuacija bolnice. Nolan i njegovo novorođeno dete bivaju odsečeni od sveta, nestalo je struje, a poplava nadolazi...Žanr kat.: Premijere USA, Triler, Drama, Decembar 2013. Trajanje: 97 Min

In New Orleans just before Hurricane Katrina hits, a pregnant woman gives birth prematurely. She dies and her baby is in critical condition. The baby has to be kept in a neonatal incubator. When the hurricane strikes, all the power goes out and everyone in the hospital leaves. But the baby's father stays because the baby can't be moved so he has to take care of his baby by making sure the ventilator stays on. Director: Eric Heisserer Writer: Eric Heisserer Stars: Paul Walker, Genesis Rodriguez, Nancy Nave |  Hours
(2013) on IMDb

Maleficent (2014)

Maleficent, predivna djevojka, čistog srca živi idiličnim životom u mirnom kraljevstvu u šumi sve dok jednog dana toj harmoniji ne počne prijetiti strana vojska na granicama kraljevstva. Maleficent se uzdigne kao zaštitnica kraljevstva samo da bi na kraju bila izdana zbog čega će se njeno čisto srce skameniti.Disney nam je spremio neispričanu priču o svojoj slavnoj negativki iz svima poznate Snjeguljice.

From Disney comes "Maleficent"—the untold story of Disney's most iconicvillain from the 1959 classic "Sleeping Beauty." A beautiful, pure-hearted young woman, Maleficent has an idyllic life growing up in a peaceable forest kingdom, until one day when an invading army threatens the harmony of the land. Maleficent rises to be the land's fiercest protector, but she ultimately suffers a ruthless betrayal—an act that begins to turn her pure heart to stone.

Bent on revenge, Maleficent faces an epic battle with the invading king's successor and, as a result, places a curse upon his newborn infant Aurora. As the child grows, Maleficent realizes that Aurora holds the key to peace in the kingdom—and perhaps to Maleficent's true happiness as well. Director: Robert Stromberg Writers: Paul Dini, Linda Woolverton, Stars: Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning, Sharlto Copley |  Maleficent
(2014) on IMDb

Final Cut (2013) - Cinema Tribute

Na kraju svake godine dolazi do osvrta na istu, retrospektiva, top listi, kompilacija i sličnih stvari. Normalno, ljudi su programirani da izdvoje i zapamte samo određene stvari koje su obeležile period za nama. Predstaviću vam ovde 2 odlične montaže izvesnog Youtube-ra Sleepy Skunk-a kao i naših kolega sa sajta (delo Nick-a Bosworth-a). Radi se o preseku filmske 2013 godine sa efektnim kadrovima, kvalitetnom montažom, čuvenim filmskim replikama kao i odličnim muzičkim izborom. Life Without Movies Is Impossible !

Not just the best movies of 2013 -all of them! Sleepy Skunk used 258 movie trailers from 2013 to make this year-end trailer mashup. I didn't know there were that many movies in one year! you'll find a list of the movies used here. The editing is lovely, but the overall effect is that this video highlights how very much all movie trailers tend to follow the same formula. Maybe that's why I didn't know there were that many different films this year. -via Blame It On The Voices.
2013 Movie Trailer Mashup
Muzika iz trejlera (tim redosledom): 1. ‘Brooklyn Go Hard (Instrumental)’ – by Jay-Z 2. ‘Save The World (Knife Party Remix)’ – by Swedish House Mafia 3. ‘The Opening’ – Composed by François Paul Aïche Best, Clips, Festival, Films, Klipova, Monthly MashUps, Most Amazing, Movie, New, News, Reviews, Showdowns, SXSW, The, Top 10, Toplista, Trailers, Ultimate, Video - See more at:

Force of Execution (2013)

Alexander Coates uživa u blagodetima svog svog kriminalnog carstva sve dok njegov ubica broj jedan, Roman Hurst, ne zezne ono što je trebao biti rutinski posao. Alexander poštedi njegov život, ali mu ozledi ruku i tako ga napravi invalidom. Ali kada nemilosrdni ubica i diler Iceman odluči svrgnuti Alexandra s vrha njegovog carstva, on shvata da će trebati Hurstovu pomoć još jednom.

Force of Execution is a legitimate movie. The scenes are strung together in such a haphazard fashion that you'd almost think someone took two completely different films and attempted to blend them together Godfrey Ho-style. Seagal, sporting an odd goatee and a spray tan, mumbles his way through the narrative in a manner that suggests he blew out his vocal chords screaming the blues. The only real star here is Bren Foster, who really deserves his own flick.

The guy is an incredible martial artist and a decent actor, so it's kind of sad that his talents are wasted on this fetid garbage. Sadly, this ranks as one of the absolute worst endeavors Seagal has attached his name to in quite some time. If Maximum Conviction was one step in the right direction, then Force of Execution is easily five steps back. This one is strictly for the hardest of the hardcore. Even then you should question what you're doing with your life. Director: Keoni Waxman Writers: Richard Beattie, Michael Black Stars: Danny Trejo, Steven Seagal, Ving Rhames |  Force of Execution
(2013) on IMDb

The Family (2013) Full Movie

Familija: Porodica Manconi drži ozloglašeni mafijaški klan. Ali, preseljeni su u Normandiju, u programu "zaštite svedoka". Njihovo uklapanje u novu sredinu biće pakleno, jer stare navike teško odumiru. Uprkos očajničkim naporima agenta CIA, Fred Manconi, njegova žena Megi, kao i deca Bela i Voren, potpuno će srušiti svoje nove identitete, postajući tako meta odmazde bivših mafijaških drugova...

PLOT: A mafia boss and his family are relocated to a sleepy town in France under the witness protection program after snitching on the mob. Despite the best efforts of CIA Agent Stansfield (Tommy Lee Jones) to keep them in line, Fred Manzoni (Robert De Niro), his wife Maggie (Michelle Pfeiffer) and their children Belle (Dianna Agron) and Warren (John D'Leo) can't help but revert to old habits and blow their cover by handling their problems the "family"

The Manzoni family, a notorious mafia clan, is relocated to Normandy, France under the witness protection program, where fitting in soon becomes challenging as their old habits die hard. Director: Luc Besson Writers: Luc Besson, Michael Caleo Stars: Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Dianna Agron |  The Family
(2013) on IMDb

Godzilla (2014)

Godzilla (2014): Is an upcoming American science fiction monster film featuring the Japanese film monster of the same name and a reboot of the Godzilla film franchise. It is the second Godzilla film to be fully filmed by an American studio, the first having been the 1998 film of the same name. The film retells the origin of Godzilla in contemporary times as a "terrifying force of nature". The film is directed by Gareth Edwards and stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, Bryan Cranston, Juliette Binoche, David Strathairn, Sally Hawkins and Ken Watanabe.

The film is a co-production of Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures and will be distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures worldwide, except for Japan where it will be distributed by Toho. The film is scheduled to be released on May 16, 2014 in 2D and 3D. "An epic rebirth to Toho’s iconic Godzilla, this spectacular adventure pits the world’s most famous monster against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity’s scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence"—Legendary Pictures.

Yesterday, the teaser trailer for Godzilla was released online, and judging by the reaction of the people I follow on Twitter, response was positive. It’s a well-made trailer, and more importantly, the response shows that people are eager to see the giant monster get a second chance at an American adaptation.
International Trailer and TV Spot for GODZILLA Starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, and Bryan Cranston A giant radioactive monster called Godzilla appears to wreak destruction on mankind. Director: Gareth Edwards Writers: Max Borenstein, Dave Callaham Stars: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, Bryan Cranston |  Godzilla
(2014) on IMDb

Homefront (2013)

Neprijatelj pred vratima: Najveći akcijski glumci, Stallone i Statham, ponovno surađuju u napetom trileru! Bivši agent za suzbijanje narkotika s obitelji seli u miran gradić. Idila traje kratko, jer će biti prisiljen sukobiti se s bandom krijumčara droge i kraljem metha.

Phil Broker is a former DEA agent who has gone through a crisis after his action against a biker gang went horribly wrong and it cost the life of his boss' son. He is recently widowed and is left with a 9-years-old daughter,Maddy. He decides to quit the turbulent and demanding life of thrill for Maddy's sake and retires to a small town. Director: Gary Fleder Writers: Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Logan Stars: Jason Statham, James Franco, Winona Ryder |  Homefront
(2013) on IMDb

About Time (2013)

Novi film Richarda Curtisa, autora britanskih komedija Četiri vjenčanja i sprovod, Ja u ljubav vjerujem, Dnevnik Bridget Jones i Zapravo ljubav. Pravi trenutak predstavlja mladića Tima kojem otac u dvadeset i prvoj godini otkriva kako muškarci u njihovoj obitelji imaju sposobnost putovanja kroz vrijeme. Tim će tu činjenicu iskoristiti kako bi pronašao ljubav, pomogao prijatelju, ali i shvatio da putovanje kroz vrijeme krije i neke opasne zamke. U životu je važno znati iskoristiti pravi trenutak, ako to svladamo, putovanje kroz vrijeme i nije nužno.

At the age of 21, Tim Lake (Domhnall Gleeson) discovers he can travel in time... The night after another unsatisfactory New Year party, Tim's father (Bill Nighy) tells his son that the men in his family have always had the ability to travel through time. Tim can't change history, but he can change what happens and has happened in his own life-so he decides to make his world a better getting a girlfriend. Sadly, that turns out not to be as easy as you might think. Director: Richard Curtis Writer: Richard Curtis Stars: Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, Bill Nighy |  About Time
(2013) on IMDb

Metallica Through the Never (2013)

IZVORNO IME: Metallica Through the Never 3D Jedan od najpopularnijih i najutjecajnijih rock bandova u povijesti donosi nam potpuno novo kino iskustvo prepuno spektakularnih izvedbi uživo. U ovom filmu glazba nas vodi kroz seriju 3D događaja koji obiluju ikonografijom Metallice. Priča o nepoznatom mladiću i koncertu u rasprodanoj areni oduševit će nas iznimnim glazbenim izvedbama, pirotehničkim efektima i nevjerojatnim prizorima koji su nastali istovremenom upotrebom 24 kamere.

Movie Info: Metallica Through the Never stars Metallica, one of the most popular, influential rock bands in history. In this music driven, 3D motion picture event, award-winning filmmaker Nimród Antal immerses audiences in a bracing, raw and visceral cinematic experience with spectacular live performance footage of Metallica’s most iconic songs -- created exclusively for film -- combined with a bold, narrative story featuring imagery drawn from the band’s trailblazing iconography.

Dane DeHaan portrays Trip, a young roadie sent on an urgent mission, during the Metallica’s roaring live set in front of a sold-out arena. The film features dazzling pyrotechnics, the most elaborate live-performance stage ever built and state-of-the-art 3-D photography, captured using up to 24 cameras simultaneously. The IMAX release of Metallica Through the Never will be digitally re-mastered into the image and sound quality of An IMAX 3D Experience® with proprietary IMAX DMR® (Digital Re-mastering) technology.
Trip, a young roadie for Metallica, is sent on an urgent mission during the band's show. But what seems like a simple assignment turns into a surreal adventure. Director: Nimród Antal Writers: Nimród Antal, Kirk Hammett, Stars: Dane DeHaan, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich |  Metallica Through the Never
(2013) on IMDb
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