Na kraju svake godine dolazi do osvrta na istu, retrospektiva, top listi, kompilacija i sličnih stvari. Normalno, ljudi su programirani da izdvoje i zapamte samo određene stvari koje su obeležile period za nama. Predstaviću vam ovde 2 odlične montaže izvesnog Youtube-ra Sleepy Skunk-a kao i naših kolega sa sajta Joblo.com (delo Nick-a Bosworth-a). Radi se o preseku filmske 2013 godine sa efektnim kadrovima, kvalitetnom montažom, čuvenim filmskim replikama kao i odličnim muzičkim izborom. Life Without Movies Is Impossible !
Not just the best movies of 2013 -all of them! Sleepy Skunk used 258 movie trailers from 2013 to make this year-end trailer mashup. I didn't know there were that many movies in one year! you'll find a list of the movies used here. The editing is lovely, but the overall effect is that this video highlights how very much all movie trailers tend to follow the same formula. Maybe that's why I didn't know there were that many different films this year. -via Blame It On The Voices.
2013 Movie Trailer Mashup
Muzika iz trejlera (tim redosledom): 1. ‘Brooklyn Go Hard (Instrumental)’ – by Jay-Z 2. ‘Save The World (Knife Party Remix)’ – by Swedish House Mafia 3. ‘The Opening’ – Composed by François Paul Aïche Best, Clips, Festival, Films, Klipova, Monthly MashUps, Most Amazing, Movie, New, News, Reviews, Showdowns, SXSW, The, Top 10, Toplista, Trailers, Ultimate, Video - See more at: