Zemlja posle After Earth (2013) : Hiljadu godinama nakon što su zbog kataklizme ljudi morali da se evakuišu sa Zemlje, Nova Prajm je postala novo mesto za žvot. Čuveni Sajper Rejdž vratio se sa produžene misije svojoj porodici, spreman da bude primeran otac svom 13-godišnjem sinu Kitaiju. Ali, kada oluja asterioda ošteti njihov brod, Sajper i Kitai prinuđeni su da slete na nepoznatu i negostoljubivu Zemlju. I, dok njegov otac umire u kokpitu svemirskog broda, Kitai mora da krene u potragu za pomoći na opasnoj planeti. Sada mu se ukazala prilika da bude ono što je želeo sav život - smeo vojnik - baš kao što je i njegov otac...
Video: After Earth - Official Trailer (2013)
PLOT : In the near future, an environmental cataclysm forces the human race to abandon Earth and settle on a new world, Nova Prime.One thousand years later, The Ranger Corps, a peacekeeping organization commanded by General Cypher Raige (Will Smith), comes into conflict with the S'krell, alien creatures who intended to conquer Nova Prime. Their secret weapons are the Ursas, large, blind predatory creatures that hunt by "sensing" fear. The Rangers struggle against the Ursas until Cypher learns how to completely suppress his fear, a technique called "ghosting".
A crash landing leaves Kitai Raige and his father Cypher stranded on Earth, a millennium after events forced humanity's escape. With Cypher injured, Kitai must embark on a perilous journey to signal for help. Director: M. Night Shyamalan Writers: Gary Whitta (screenplay), M. Night Shyamalan,» Stars: Jaden Smith, Will Smith, Sophie Okonedo