Movie :
Blitz Cinestar

Battles of Chief Pontiac (1952)


Sadrzaj : Predrevolucionarnu Ameriku potresaju sukobi kolonijalnih armija sa lokalnim indijanskim plemenima. Neprestani pokušaji rendžera da sklope mir, između britanskih okupacionih trupa i indijanskih plemena završavaju fijaskom kada u oblast Velikog Jezera dolazi zloglasna jedinica Hešonsa, njemačkih plaćenika koji ratuju za interese britanske krune. Karakteri miroljubivih i ratobornih pojedinaca, plemenitost poglavice Pontijaka, plemenskog vođe starog kova te ljubav u vihoru sukoba osnovni su lajtmotivi ovog...

Film critic Hans J. Wollstein gave the film a mixed review, writing, "Burly actor Lon Chaney, Jr. said that the role of Chief Pontiac in this cheap action-thriller from low-budget entrepreneur Jack Broder, was one he truly coveted. Unfortunately, Chaney and the rest of the cast were let down by a preachy and frankly dreadful screenplay by Jack de Witt ... Battles of Chief Pontiac was filmed on location near Rapid City, South Dakota, and the scenery remains its only attractive feature.
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