Radnja filma: Skupina studenata aktivista putuju iz New Yorka u Amazon da bi spasiti pleme koje izumire. Međutim oni postanu taočenici kod samih domorodaca koje pokušavaju spasiti....
A group of student activists travel from New York City to the Amazon to save a dying tribe but crash in the jungle and are taken hostage by the very natives they protected.
AKA "Cannibal Holocaust 2". This cheap shocker from schlockmeister Climato features EVERYTHING that can go wrong when harassing jungle natives. Think bloodsuckers up your ass and huge snakes on your willy...
Video: Top 10 Horror Movies (2013)
Director: Eli Roth Writers: Guillermo Amoedo, Eli Roth Stars: Lorenza Izzo, Ariel Levy, Sky Ferreira