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A Little Bit Zombie (2012)

Pomalo zombi A Little Bit Zombie (2012) : On je inficiran virusom tokom momačke večeri. Sve do tada bio je slatkorečivi tu-i-tamo uspešan menadžerčić, a sada ima konačno šansu da ostvari svoju priskonsku želju - da se napije krvi drugih! Mada, konce može da mu pomrsi predani lovac na zombije, koji je uvek na tragu...

Video: A Little Bit Zombie (2012)

Infected by a virus during his bachelor party, a mild mannered HR manager attempts to fulfill his overwhelming desire for brains and avoid Max, the obsessed Zombie Hunter hot on his trail. All while keeping it together so as not to incur the wrath of his Bridezilla-to-be.

Director: Casey Walker Writers: Trevor Martin (screenplay), Christopher Bond Stars: Kristopher Turner, Crystal Lowe, Shawn Roberts  A Little Bit Zombie
(2012) on IMDb
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