Princip singularnosti Singularity Principle, Kanada, 15 novembar 2013 Film o posledicama eksperimentisanja s paralelnim univerzumima! Počinje nestankom poznatog naučnika doktora Džeka Brenera, tokom jednog takvog opita... Njegov štićenik, doktor Piter Taning, biva ispitivan od strane vladinih zvaničnika, koji pokušavaju da saznaju šta se tačno desilo, i da li je moguće manipulisanje paralelnim svetovima...
Video: Singularity Principle (2013)
Watch Singularity Principle: Singularity Principle is a feature length science-fiction film about the consequences of renegade experiments into Parallel Universes. Co-written and directed (with Austin Hines) by physicist Dr. David Deranian, the film pays particular attention to accurate scientific detail and uses the fascinating science of parallel universes to bring audiences a story that will both illuminate and entertain.