The Unborn (2009) / Ne rodjeni : Kejsi Beldon (Odette Yustman) je bila mala devojčica kada je njena majka nestala iz njenog života. Iako joj Kejsi nikada nije oprostila što je napustila svoju porodicu, ona počinje da naslućuje razloge za to kada duh dečaka počne da je progoni svakodnevno i kada zbog zastrašujućih košmara postane uplašena od spavanja. Njena jedina nada da može da prekine ovu paranormalnu kletvu je egzorcizam sa spiritualnim savetnikom Sendakom.
Video: The Unborn (2009)
PLOT : Casey Beldon has nightmarish hallucinations of strange-looking dogs in the neighbourhood and an evil child with bright blue eyes following her around. While babysitting Matty, her neighbor's son, she finds him showing his infant sibling its reflection in a mirror. Matty attacks Casey, smashing the mirror on her head, and tells her: "Jumby wants to be born now". She puts him to bed and leaves in shock.
Casey's friend Romee tells her of a superstition that newborns should not see their reflections in the mirror for at least a year because otherwise they will die soon. Casey's eyes begin to change color; a doctor asks if she is a twin, and explains the change as tetragametic chimerism and heterochromia, and that is completely normal. Her neighbor's infant dies, supporting the superstition.