Movie :
Blitz Cinestar

Swarmed (2005)

Ubojiti roj Swarmed , 2005., SAD, 88 min. Roj mutiranih pčela terorizira mali gradić u Kansasu. Ljuti roj genetski modificiranih osa bježi iz laboratorija u kojemu znanstvenici pokušavaju napraviti moćan pesticid kako bi ih uništili. Rob mutiranih pčela uspijeva pobijeći iz laboratorija te počinje množiti i ubrzo se spušta u mali gradić u Kansasu. Roj opasnih osa opustošuje sve na putu, ubada, hrani se i množi. Kako niti najjači industrijski pesticidi ne mogu pomoći i osloboditi prestrašeni gradić ove smrtonosne leteće prijetnje, znanstvenik Kent dobije priliku koja bi mogla spasiti grad. Pronaći otrov koji može spriječiti daljnje napade ubojitih osa.

Video: Swarmed (2005)

PLOT : Kent Horvath (Michael Shanks) is a scientist, trying to invent a new pesticide, specifically for yellow jacket wasps. He tests it out on eight yellow jackets, to see how well it works. It kills six, out of the eight wasps, and the two who survived now have extremely high pheromone levels, resulting in increased aggression. That night, the janitor (John Baktins) accidentally releases them, and they both attack, and kill him. The next morning, they find his body, along with one of the wasps, with the other one nowhere to be found.

The residents of a small town find themselves battling a swarm of hornets which has been sprayed by a super pesticide. Director: Paul Ziller Writer: Miguel Tejada-Flores Stars: Michael Shanks, Carol Alt, Richard Chevolleau  Swarmed
(2005) on IMDb
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