Zestoke devojke The Heat (2013) : Odgovorna specijalna FBI agentkinja Sarah Ashburn (Sandra Bullock) dobija mrzovoljnu bostonsku policajku Shannon Mullins za partnerku na slučaju hapšenja nemilosrdnog šefa narko-kartela. Njihov odnos postaje prava avantura, jer nijedna od njih nikada pre nije imala partnera, a ni prijatelja... Zestoke devojke (The Heat)
Movie Info : Uptight FBI Special Agent Sarah Ashburn (Sandra Bullock) and foul-mouthed Boston cop Shannon Mullins (Melissa McCarthy) couldn't be more incompatible. But when they join forces to bring down a ruthless drug lord, they become the last thing anyone expected: buddies. From Paul Feig, director of "Bridesmaids."
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An uptight FBI Special Agent is paired with a foul-mouthed Boston cop to take down a ruthless drug lord. Director: Paul Feig Writer: Katie Dippold Stars: Sandra Bullock, Michael McDonald, Melissa McCarthy |![]()