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We're The Millers (2013) Full Movie

Mi smo Milerovi : On je iskusan krijumčar droge, koji stvara "lažnu porodicu", kao pokriće za šverc velike isporuke marihuane u SAD iz Meksika.Taj plan uključuje i angažovanje cinične striptizete, u ulozi njegove žene, tinejdžerke-beskućnice i uvrnutog komšijskog deteta, kao njihovu decu... - See more at:

Priča filma prati neženju Dejvida Berka (Džejson Sudeikis), sitnog dilera marihuane i lošeg imitatora negativca Bejna iz Mračnog viteza, koji postaje rasturač robe lokalnog barona droge Breda (Ed Helms). Da bi izvršio neupadljivi transfer “sitne” pošiljke droge iz Meksika, stvara lažnu porodicu sastavljenu od njegove komšike...
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Movie Info : David Burke (Jason Sudeikis) is a small-time pot dealer whose clientele includes chefs and soccer moms, but no kids-after all, he has his scruples. So what could go wrong? Plenty. Preferring to keep a low profile for obvious reasons, he learns the hard way that no good deed goes unpunished when he tries to help out some local teens and winds up getting jumped by a trio of gutter punks. Stealing his stash and his cash, they leave him in major debt to his supplier, Brad (Ed Helms). In order to wipe the slate clean-and maintain a clean bill of health-David must now become a big-time drug smuggler by bringing Brad's latest shipment in from Mexico.
Director: Rawson Marshall Thurber Writers: Bob Fisher, Steve Faber Stars: Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, Emma Roberts |  We're the Millers
(2013) on IMDb
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