Proročanstva Knowing, 2009., SAD, Velika Britanija, 120 min. Profesor astrofizike pokušava spriječiti nadolazeću katastrofu Godine 1959., kao dio ceremonije otvaranja nove osnovne škole, grupa učenika dobiva na zadatak napraviti crteže o tome kako oni vide budućnost. Njihovi crteži zapečatit će se u vremensku kapsulu i spremiti na period od 50 godina. Međutim, jedna tajanstvena djevojčica popunjava svoj papir redovima naizgled nasumičnih brojeva za koje tvrdi da joj šapuću nevidljivi ljudi...
Movie Info : A time capsule containing a cryptic message about the coming apocalypse sends a concerned father on a race to prevent the horrific events from unfolding as predicted in this sci-fi thriller directed by Alex Proyas (Dark City) and starring Nicolas Cage. 1958: As the dedication ceremony for a newly constructed elementary school gets under way, a time capsule containing student drawings of the future is buried on the grounds and scheduled to be unearthed on the school's 50th anniversary. Instead of submitting a drawing, however, one little girl scribbles a series of seemingly random numbers on her paper before it is buried. Fifty years later, the time capsule is unearthed for a new generation of students to examine.
MIT professor John Koestler links a mysterious list of numbers from a time capsule to past and future disasters and sets out to prevent the ultimate catastrophe.
Alex Proyas
Ryne Douglas Pearson, Juliet Snowden
Nicolas Cage, Chandler Canterbury, Rose Byrne |
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