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The Promise / Wu ji (2005)

Zakletva Promise / Wu ji, 2005., Kina, SAD, Južna Koreja, 121 min. Osnažena ljubavlju sluge, kraljevska konkubina dobiva šansu da donese izvanrednu odluku Kad je svijet bio mlad, postojalo je kraljevstvo koje se protezalo između Zemlje Snijega i Barbarskog teritorija, gdje su ljudi i bogovi živjeli zajedno i obećanja su bile laži.

Siromašna i izgladnjela djevojka Qingcheng sretne boginju Manshen i pristane na Mansheninu ponudu da postane bogata ljepotica no uz prokletstvo zbog kojeg će svaki muškarac kojeg će voljeti, umrijeti. Kletva može nestati uz tri uvjeta: ako padne snijeg u proljeće, ako se vrijeme vrati i ako mrtvi ožive. Qingcheng pristane i uskoro postane kraljeva konkubina. Nakon što kralj strada u bitci, Qingcheng se zaljubi u čovjeka koji joj je spasio život..

Movie Info : Love and war conspire to create a romantic triangle in this lavish historical epic from director Chen Kaige. A young girl who has lost her parents to the violence of war bravely refuses to obey the orders of a warrior's son, and is approached by a spirit who offers her a life of wealth and power as a reward, but with a catch -- she will never know the love of a man unless she learns how to bring the dead back to life by turning back time. Two decades later, the orphaned girl has become Qingcheng (Cecilia Cheung), the adopted daughter of The King (Cheng Qian), and her nation is yet again in the grip of war.
Empowered by the love of a slave (Jang), a royal concubine (Cheung) is given the chance to make an extraordinary decision. Director: Kaige Chen Writers: Kaige Chen, Tan Cheung Stars: Cecilia Cheung, Dong-gun Jang, Hiroyuki Sanada |  Wu ji
(2005) on IMDb
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